Tuesday, November 1, 2011

‘It Seems Embarrassing’: Failed Doomsday Preacher Harold Camping Offers an Apology…Sort of

‘It Seems Embarrassing’: Failed Doomsday Preacher Harold Camping Offers an Apology…Sort of:

Harold CampingHarold Camping made headlines throughout 2011. First, the famed radio
broadcaster promised that the world would come to a chaotic end on May
21. When it didn’t, he then switched the date to October 21 (after all, miscalculations happen). Again — nothing.

According to CNN, when his latest prediction failed to come to
fruition, Camping’s followers gathered for a Sunday fellowship meeting
in Oakland, California. They questioned whether they had been left
behind, according to Brandon Tauszik, a documentarian who has been
attending meetings out of interest (he never believed the world was
poised to end, though). Now his adherents know: They weren’t left
behind; their leader was simply wrong once again.

“Numbers were a bit down, for the first time I had ever seen, but people showed up much like they did after May 21,” Tauszik said. “People were coming together, speaking outside, asking where we went wrong.”

It has become painfully clear that Camping’s advice, at least when it
comes to end times scenarios, isn’t reliable in the least. The
90-year-old, who suffered a stroke last year, took to the Family Radio web site to make a statement about his most recent doomsday failure.

“When it comes to trying to recognize the truth of prophecy, we’re
finding that it is very, very difficult,” he said. “We’re ready to cry
out and weep before God: `Oh Lord, you have the truth, we don’t have
it.”‘ (Continue reading this story).

Tags: , Camping, evangelical broadcaster, , October 21, , end times, end of times, last days, , the rapture, false prophet, , radio show, christian radio, , doomsday countdown, , Family Radio network, , god, heaven

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