Examining The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement's True Agenda
The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement says They Stand With the Majority of Americans Human Needs, Not Corporate Greed. They have laid out their plan, and this is a summary of what they claim to be about.
The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement says a large majority of the American people consistently support the following agenda:
- Tax the rich and corporations
- End the wars, bring the troops home, cut military spending
- Protect the social safety net, strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all
- End corporate welfare for oil companies and other big business interests
- Transition to a clean energy economy, reverse environmental degradation
- Protect worker rights including collective bargaining, create jobs and raise wages
- Get money out of politics
The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement believes the government is dominated by elite economic interests and is going in the opposite direction of what the people want. They claim the American people’s agenda is their agenda.
This is what the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement agenda points really translate into:
· Steal from the Rich to Give to the Poor.
· Drive Jobs Overseas by Threatening to Take Away More of Their Profits.
· Leave Our Country Unprotected
· Flood Our Military Hospitals and Bases with Returning Troops Who Need Care and Assignments That Our Military Will Be Unable to Provide Due to Current Budget Cuts.
o (It is a Proven Fact that Returning Troops often suffer from Mental Illness such as PSTD and Deep Cuts caused by the recent Debt Ceiling Crisis has caused many changes in the Military Operations that will need time to become equipped to handle a large number of Returning Troops).
· Return Thousands of Troops Back into the Civilian Work Force Creating Higher Unemployment Numbers.
o (National Guard Troops often are Employed as Civilians).
· Open the Medicare Rolls to Anyone and Everyone even if it causes more Debt.
o [Universal Healthcare is NOT a Right afforded Americans in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. That said, if you still believe that we should all be provided FREE Health Care the current system of Obamacare is not going to work. This was originally a plan drafted by Hilary Clinton and introduced to Congress by President Bill Clinton where it was quickly voted down so why it was approved now makes little sense. If we are going to do this the first step will be to repeal Obamacare and recalculate Medi-Caid until a solid plan can be introduced that will not cause an American Bankruptcy.]
· Double the Amount of Money that is Taken Out of Your Check for Social Security Taxes and the Retirement Age will Raise to Possibly 70!
· Without Oil Subsidies Gas Prices will obviously soar, but so will all products made using crude oil. This means plastics, paints, electronics, the list goes on forever! It is also possible the Oil Companies will not be able to afford to manufacture enough crude oil to produce all the products we rely on it for making some products rationed and impossibly priced for the poor. Like baby bottles.
· Cars will become so expensive because of Energy Efficiency Laws that the Poor and Middle-Class will not be able to afford them. They will also be unable to afford to meet the standards to tag and register their old already owned vehicles rendering them worthless.
· The minimum wage will be raised to an astronomical amount allowing the “poor” to live as middle-class. Prices will rise almost as fast to keep up with the need to make up for the profit loss for paying such high salaries. The poor will become poor again and the middle-class will disappear becoming poor as well. The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement will be happy though because more people will be “Equal”!
· The Government will employee everyone who wants a job who doesn’t have one. No matter what their skill level they will create jobs even if it is just something crazy like ‘underwater basket weaving’. They will all be paid by Tax Dollars.
o (It makes sense if you don’t think about it!)
· All government dealings will be transparent, even to our enemies, and anything that it does that “the people” or other countries don’t like the government will have to be accountable to international law, thus creating a New World Order.
The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement is the elite interests controlling the government. The man behind the curtain, George Soros, and the problem they created so as that they could swoop in and solve it, President Obama and the Economy. The solution they have offered, a New World Order!
Learn more about ACORN…
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Democracy vs. Republic
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
In the Pledge of Allegiance we all pledge allegiance to our Republic, not to a democracy. "Republic" is the proper description of our government, not "democracy." I invite you to join me in raising public awareness regarding that distinction.
A republic and a democracy are identical in every aspect except one. In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.
Republic. That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated. [NOTE: The word "people" may be either plural or singular. In a republic the group only has advisory powers; the sovereign individual is free to reject the majority group-think. USA/exception: if 100% of a jury convicts, then the individual loses sovereignty and is subject to group-think as in a democracy.]
Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. [NOTE: In a pure democracy, 51% beats 49%. In other words, the minority has no rights. The minority only has those privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority.]
The TRUTH About Democracy
ACORN Afghanistan Al Franken Alinsky Andrew Breitbart Anita Moncrief Anonymous Anti-Predatory Lending Act Arab Spring austerity budget Barney Frank Arkansas Big PharmaBill Ayers Black Panthers 1967 borders Bruce Ratner Blagojevich Cablegate Census Bureau Center for Responsive Lending China Chicago City Council Citizens Services Inc. Citigroup Clinton Community Reinvestment Act Dale Rathke Dallas Drummond Pike Democracy Egypt Esperanto Edison Schools Federal Reserve Stop the Machine Feingold Create a New World Financial Services Committee G20 Genocide George Soros get out the vote Glenn Beck Golden West Greece Gulf Oil Spill Health Care Reform Harvard Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum Herb Sandler Stop the Machine Create a New World Order illegal immigration Hungary Industrial Workers of the World Apocalypse Iran Iraq Frankin James Carville Joe Biden Julian Assange Libya Lulzsec Hackers Crackers McCain Marion Sandler Michael Slater Jerusalem Media Matters Michele Bachmann Courage Restoring Israel Mortgage Muslim Motor Voter Reform Brotherhood Free Masons National Labor Relations Board Netanyahu Nevada New Party New World Order New York City Council New York Times Norm Coleman Obama Illuminati 2012 Ohio Open Society Democracy Mormon End Times Alex Jones Peter King Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh Tribune Wachovia Wade RathkeWall Street Journal Mormons Masons Wikileaks Woods Foundation Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee2012 Doomsday Project Vote Two Party Paradigm public schools Pulaski Bank Richard Daley infowars Rudy GiulianiRussia Biblical Prophecy Timeline SDS Connection Seattle SEIU Secretary of State Project Shadow Government Shirley Sherrod Sheila Jackson Lee Tides Foundation Unions Turkey Last Days One World Government Van Jones Stop the Create a New World Machine voter fraud World Bank Yemin Franken ACORN Breitbart Moncrief Anti-Predatory Lending Act Arab economy Ayers Frank Black Panthers Spring American Spring American Ratner Fall Blagojevich Cablegate Census Bureau Center for Responsive Governance Global Lending Connection Chicago Citigroup City Council Citizens Services Inc. Codex Alimentarius Nazi Clinton Pike Community Reinvestment Act Federal Reserve Democracy Timeline Feingold Chemtrails Soros Financial Services Committee Gulf Oil Spill GOTV Beck Health Care Reform Democratic Presidential Forum Heartland Industrial Workers of the World Carville Elections Taxes Biden Assange Politics McCain Timeline Sandler Media Matters Bachmann Slater Daley Giuliani SDS SEIU Secretary of State Project Jones Tides Foundation Rathke Wikileaks Mortgage Woods Foundation World Bank Reform Muslim Brotherhood Netanyahu National Labor Relations Board and forty night forty day challenge New Party Stop the Machine Create a New World Coleman Obama 40 Day and 40 Night Insider Challenge Extreme Open Society Project Vote Political Action Committee
1967 borders, ACORN, Afghanistan, Al Franken, Alinsky, Andrew Breitbart, Anita Moncrief, Anonymous, Anti-Predatory Lending Act, Arab Spring, Arkansas, Assange, austerity budget, Ayers, Bachmann, Barney Frank, Beck, Biden, Big Pharma, Bill Ayers, Black Panthers, Blagojevich, Breitbart, Bruce Ratner, Cablegate, Carville, Census Bureau, Center for Responsive Lending, Chicago City Council, China, Citigroup, Citizens Services Inc., Clinton, Coleman, Community Reinvestment Act, Create a New World , Dale Rathke, Daley, Dallas, Democracy, Drummond Pike, Edison Schools, Egypt, Esperanto, Federal Reserve, Feingold, Financial Services Committee, Frank, Franks, G20, Genocide, George Soros, get out the, vote Glenn Beck, Golden West , GOTV, Greece, Giuliani, Gulf Oil Spill, Harvard, Health Care, Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum, Herb Sandler, Hungary, illegal immigration, Industrial Workers of the World, Iran, Iraq, James Carville, Joe Biden, Jones, Julian Assange, Libya, Lulzsec, Marion Sandler, McCain, Media Matters, Michael Slater, Michele Bachmann, Moncrief, mortgage reform, motor voter, Muslim Brotherhood, National Labor Relations Board, Netanyahu, Nevada, New Party, New World Order, New York City Council , New York Times Norm Coleman Obama Ohio, Open Society, Pennsylvania, Peter King, Philadelphia, Pike, Pittsburgh Tribune, Planned Parenthood, Political Action Committee, Project Vote, public schools, Pulaski Bank, Rathke, Ratner, Richard Daley, Rudy Giuliani, Russia, Sandler, SDS, Seattle, Washington, Secretary of State Project, SEIU, shadow government, Sheila Jackson Lee, Shirley Sherrod, Slater, Soros, Stop the Machine, Stop The Machine Create a New World, Tides Foundation, Turkey, Union Van Jones, voter fraud, Wachovia, Wade Rathke, The Wall Street Journal, Wikileaks, Woods Foundation, World Bank, Yemin
Stop the Machine Create a New World, Stop the Machine, Create a New World, New World Order, October 2011, October2011.org, October2011, Oct 6th 2011, October 6th, Oct 6th, Oct 6, Revolution, American Spring, American Fall, George Soros, ACORN, Civil Unrest, Majority of Americans, Political Agenda, Underwater Basket Weaving
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