Saturday, August 13, 2011

Examining the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movements Core Issues | Before It's News

Examining the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movements Core Issues | Before It's News

Examining the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! Movement’s Core Issues

Fifteen Core Issues The Stop the Machine! Create the New World! Movement Believes The Country Must Face:

Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 MovementThese are the core issues identified by the October2011 (#October2011) Movement steering committee. They claim this “list” is meant to get a conversation started, and so we thought we would take them up on their offer to start talking.

Ultimately the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement claims to represent a vision of creating a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. The October 6th, 2011 call to action is stated to be a beginning on the path to this “vision” of a new world. I do notice; however, that they removed their offer of free food to the homeless who attend, free legal assistance to those willing to stand up and fight or resist arrest, and free medical care to anyone hurt when and if the protests result it violence and rioting. I guess that was just a little too transparent when it was being held against them.

Obama ACORN ObamACORNI also was impressed to see that the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement main page no longer features a connection to ACORN or George Soros. I think that has a little something to do with the new blog entry “It is Time to Embrace Tea Party Members” where they attempt to brainwash Tea Party Members and the Right Wing in general into joining in their chaos.

Still the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement really believes what they are spouting. They have even created a blog entry “proving” that their stance on the issues represents the Majority. To see their side of the story you can read their article: where the majority of people in America stand on the issues.

1. Corporatism– firmly establish that money is not speech, corporations are not people, only people have Constitutional rights, end corporate influence over the political process, protect people and the environment from damage by corporations.

· The Majority of the American People enjoy the right to a FREE MARKET SYSTEM. They want the right and ability to create a product, idea, or company that they can profit from without excessive laws, fees, and/or liabilities preventing them from doing so.

2. Wars and Militarism – end wars and occupations, end private for-profit military contractors, reduce the national security state and end the weapons export industry. War crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace must be addressed and those responsible held accountable under international law.

· No one likes WAR, but sometimes WAR is a necessary evil. We are already scaling back faster than our Military leaders feel is appropriate to do in one WAR and we are not leading or engaging full force in another. While the Majority of America does not like where we are as far as the now four WARS we are involved in, only a very few are looking to abandon the operations before we achieve some semblance of success.

· While the Majority of the American People might find the for profit military contractors distasteful, they also realize it is necessary. The way to fix the problem is to open the contracts to a larger field of companies, not just cut the program because someone showed favoritism.

· WAR has always meant MONEY to America. One of the ways America Profits from WAR is the weapons export industry. There are very few exports left in America and this will NEVER be one that America lets go of. While the Majority of America might find it hard to deal with this fact on a moral level, few want to discard the profits it brings in to the Country.

· The Majority of America sees America as the SUPERPOWER of the World. The issue of answering to International Law puts America at the Mercy of the UN and eventually the creation of a One World Government (or New World Order). While America will always do it’s best to color between the lines when it comes to the UN, being a SUPERPOWER has its privileges and the Majority of Americans agree America should answer to no one!

3. Human Rights – end exploitation of people in the US and abroad, end discrimination in all forms, equal civil rights and due process for all people.

· The Majority of People in America do not care about people outside their circle of reality. Sure it feels good to say you do; but, there are not a lot of girls turning down diamond ring proposals because the big rock might be a blood stone from Africa, people suffering from debilitating diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or HIV/Aids (but don’t live in a pot legal state) aren’t skipping their turn in the circle because their Medical Marijuana might be funding terrorism, and my favorite is the Animal Right Activists who shop at big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target even though they sell meat and leather (sometimes fur). So in TRUTH the Majority of America does not care about the exploitation or civil rights of others unless it directly affects them in some way.

· The Majority of People in America are over the discrimination thing. In case you haven’t noticed, we have a Black President. The fact that companies are still required to hire a certain percentage of ethnic types is offensive. People should obtain employment based on skill level, and not the color of their skin. Also the fact that groups of blacks like the black panthers or the NAACP can gather and exclude whites it is okay but if whites do it racist is getting old. Sure there is still some amount of ignorance in the world, but there always will be as long as we refuse to educate people as to the true differences between races because it may be offensive, stereotypical, or even worse start a Rodney King Style Riot! And please, please, please BLACK PEOPLE and WHITE PEOPLE look up the definition of the “N” word and if you chose to use it do it properly!

· The Majority of People in America do not care so much about due process when it comes to people involved in 9/11 and general terrorism as they do in retribution. I think if given the choice they would rather have them set free into the streets where the victims of their crimes could rip them from limb to limb. These people have already been tried, convicted, and sentenced as far as the people of America are concerned, so due process is just not always an option. I am not saying it is right, I am just saying that this is not something that is going to be easy or timely.

4. Worker Rights and jobs – all people have the right to safe, just and dignified working conditions, a sustainable living wage, paid leave and economic protection.

· I don’t think these people took economics in school. Everyone always wants to raise the minimum wage but they forget that this means the cost of the items the companies sell have to go up to pay for the additional cost the company is paying out to its workers thus they are all right back in the same place asking to raise the minimum wage again. It just does not make any sense.

· People have the right to APPLY for a job, but they don’t have the right to a job. This is not a communist country. If people work hard and have a skill they should have no problem finding employment. If they do not like the working conditions, the wages, the hours, or the 401k plan it is their right to QUIT and look for somewhere else to work. It is not the responsibility of the employer to fit the job to the needs of the employee; it is the job of the employee to fit themselves to the needs of their employer!

· If you want a job with a sustainable living wage, paid leave and economic protection make sure the employer offers that BEFORE YOU APPLY. If you do not like what the job has to offer then take your skills to the next job offer and leave that position for someone who wants to work.

5. Government – all processes of the three branches of government should be accountable to international law, transparent and follow the rule of law, people have the right to participate in decisions which affect them.

· International Law? A New World Order? So you are looking to appoint a King of the World! I abide by the laws of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. These Documents are unique to the United States of America. Obviously the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement does not think that these documents are sufficient. How any Patriot, Tea Party Member, Elected Official, Oath Keeper, or American Citizen for that matter can support or even attend this should be considered a modern form of TREASON.

6. Elections – all citizens 18 and older have the right to vote without barriers, all candidates have the right to be heard and to run and all votes should be counted.

· Most people would agree with number six of the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement’s stated issues. My issue is that they are receiving funding from George Soros through ACORN for this RALLY/PROTEST/RIOT and ACORN is infamous for Voter Fraud and Voter Intimidation. Also the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement has invited the Black Panthers to participate in their event and they were never prosecuted by the DOJ for the Voter Intimidation case that FOX News ran in what seemed like a loop for three months earlier this year. In fact if I remember right the DOJ dropped the case because he was told to by the White House, but I digress.

7. Criminal justice and prisons –end private for-profit prisons, adopt evidence-based drug policy, prisoners have the right to humane and just conditions with a focus on rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

· I think that the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement has most of their facts right on issue number seven. I don’t know anyone who agrees with Private for Profit Prisons except those profiting from them. While Privatizing Prisons is an obvious FAIL, Government run Prisons don’t work either. It would have been nice if they had provided an alternative, but I don’t have one to offer either.

· The Majority of people want either the LEGALIZATION or DECRIMINALZATION of drugs over an evidence based drug policy. REHIABILITATION SERVICES are a fantastic idea, but not something that is feasible to add on to the government’s budget. It must be provided by private industry and charitable organizations.

· The removal of Non-Violent and Drug Crime Related Offenders from the jails and prisons would fix almost all of the inhumane and unjust conditions overnight. While this is a possible solution the way to achieve it is not through protest but by introducing it as a bill into congress or even to start smaller at a local level.

· The Majority of people support Non-Violent and Drug Offenders serving time for a FELONY OFFENSE should be allowed to reintegrate into society without having to report their offence on job and rental applications, they should be allowed to apply for a passport, their voting rights should not be suspended, and they should have the right to buy and own a firearm. In short, they should have all their constitutional rights restored as if they never committed a crime.

· The Public Defender section of the Criminal Justice System does not work, I know the whole system should be on trial but this is the most obvious of the catastrophes. People who are innocent or who should go to trial are encouraged to take “deals” so to save money and time for the court. The poor and struggling middle-class are the biggest majority of victims of this tragedy of injustice. If this was what the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement stood to reform I would understand why people felt a kinship with their policies, but there is so much more.

8. Healthcare – create a national, universal and publicly financed comprehensive health system.

· Have we not already bankrupted this country enough by offering up the recycled Clinton plan now affectionately referred to as Obamacare? Nowhere in The Constitution or The Bill of Rights does it say that we are guaranteed FREE HEALTH CARE. While the Majority of America wants Health Care they do not want to pay for it and if it is coming from the Government they are paying for it with their Tax Dollars so it is NOT free! If you have a job you should be offered Health Care at a discount rate, or free if your employer choses to pay for it, but the option should be required for companies who have over say 200 employees. People who make at, or less than, the poverty line amount should be provided Medi-Caid. Unemployment should extend the amount of time you can keep Cobra and AFLAC. People who can afford their insurance can do as they please and the people in the middle should be allowed to use Medi-Caid at a price per month just like they would give their employer normally.

· Completely Off Subject: Use a Medi-Trade Program. Allow people to trade Community Service Hours for Medical Coverage. If you are unable to do Community Service because of a disability or injury friends and family can do it for you. You can do Community Service Hours in advance or after you use your Medical Services. You will be covered for everything and anything that Medi-Caid would usually cover. Think About It.

9. Education – all people have the right to a high quality and broad public education from pre-school through university.

· Education is a PRIVILEGE and NOT A RIGHT! This is commonly misunderstood because of the Presidential Speech FDR gave that has come to be known as The Second Bill of Rights. FDR never meant for his speech to be written down, put into law, or be put through congress and it never was voted on or introduced into law in any form. Still many people believe that the contents of FDR’s speech are their right and they get very upset when they don’t get their way. While the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement is correct that the Majority of people in America believe they are entitled to a FREE education, nowhere in The Constitution or Bill of Rightsare they afforded one.

10. Housing – all people have the right to affordable and safe housing.

· This is where you can see ACORN rear its ugly head in the most obvious way. When ACORN isn’t busy running Voter Registration Fraud Schemes ACORN is usually the organization behind the majority of “HUD” and “public housing” programs. While no one wants to see those who need housing assistance go without, ACORN is the epitome of corruption and they are not doing a good job of running public housing any way. Just look at the crime rates, drug use, and poverty traps that HUD, Section 8, and public housing has become.

· ACORN = George Soros = President Obama = Civil Unrest = Chaos = New World Order

11. Environment – adopt policies which effectively create a carbon-free energy economy.

· The “Facts” on Global Warming (aka Climate Change) have already started to crumble so badly that it has sent Al Gore into a cussing and kicking toddler screaming fit in a public forum. Leaked e-mails and botched scientific data have now proven that the basis on which Al Gore received his Nobel Prize was highly misrepresented and falsified. In fact, the new information on Climate Change proves that the heating and cooling of the Earth is due in large part to a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of time. Humans, corporations, waste, pollution, and vehicles have only a minimal effect on the carbon emissions.

· Millions of Tax Dollarsare spent every year to teach children in China about Global Warming (aka Climate Change).

· Humans breathe in Oxygen and out Carbon. Plants and Trees breathe in Carbon and out Oxygen. Thinks about it.

12. Finance and the economy – end policies which foster a wealth divide and move to a localized and democratic financial system, reform taxes so that they are progressive and provide goods, monetary gain and services for the people.

· We must DEMAND that all people, young and old, take an ECONOMICS CLASS! Not Home Economics, although we need more of those classes too with all the teen mommies we have running around out there, but a REAL ECONOMICS CLASS. People WORK HARD and therefore MAKE MONEY. Some people are good at SAVING MONEY, while others are good at INVESTING, and a few INHERIT money, but at the end of the day it is their money!

· It is wrong to STEAL and making people who have more money then you pay your bills because you don’t make enough money is STEALING! The correct way to solve the problem of paying your bills when you don’t have enough money is to get a second job, or a better paying job than the one you have now, and pay them off yourself. STOP asking for the so called “Rich” to pay higher taxes and worry more about the fact that all the money you “pay” you probably get back at the end of the year. Ask yourself how much YOU really pay in taxes every year? Is it enough to pay for your children’s FREE public school education they are probably getting, or the construction crews hazard pay that just fixed that pot hole you’ve been complaining about, or maybe it is enough pay for salary of that Police Officer who responded to the break in down the street last week? Now ask yourself again, do YOU really pay enough in taxes?

· If you don’t like your job and you don’t make enough money, get a new job. If you do not have the skills to acquire a better job, go to school and get the knowledge you need or offer to intern for free part-time to learn a new skill that will allow you to get a better paying position. Don’t depend on the government to hand out a job and money to you, depend on yourself!

13. Media – airwaves and the internet are public goods, require that media be honest, accurate and accountable to the people.

· Really? The media is not a Public Good it is a Privately Owned and Operated Business. No one has a right to tell the media how they should do their job! That is why organizations like the FCC are a JOKE, but I digress, the media airwaves and internet are powerful and informative because they do not have to be accountable to the government or the people as a whole only to their CUSTOMERS! If that were to change FREEDOM OF SPEECH would DIE and we might as well use The Constitution as Toilet Paper because all of our other FREEDOMS would tumble right behind it!

14. Food and water – create systems that protect the land and water, create local and sustainable food networks and practices.

· The Majority of Americans do not support Codex Alimentarius or GMO Foods! You can call it “sustainable”, or by whatever other name suits your fancy, but Americans still prefer to eat good old Heirloom Fruits and Vegetables as well as Non Steroid and Antibiotic treated Meats. Monsanto has been given the right illegally to patent seeds which will destroy the farming industry and in the end it will kill billions of people through malnutrition and disease. If the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement was honest and open about the fact that they supported the Codex Alimentarius initiative over half of their support would dwindle away.

· The Majority of Americans are not in favor of more Government regulation over Water. Why would people want the Government to continue to “protect” our Water supply when so far they have made our Tap Water nearly undrinkable. As it stands the EPA has allowed Corporations to dump Fluoride into our Water supply, conned the Dental Association into backing the idea, and lied to the American people and said the Fluoride in the Tap Water is somehow different then that used in Rat Poison because it is slightly diluted. The EPA has also allowed the Pharmaceutical Companies to dispose of antidepressants and sterilization drugs into the Water Reservoirs for profit, a practice similar to that used in the Holocaust Camps in Germany. As if this all was not bad enough, now people are finding lead and mercury in their Tap Water despite contrary EPA reports. So the bottom line is NO the Majority of the American People does not want another organization, or the one they have now, that is “Government Run and Funded” to regulate our Water.

15. Transportation – provide affordable public transportation and safe spaces for pedestrian and non-motorized travel.

· Transportation Services that run the best at the cheapest price to the public are privately owned. These are the companies the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement wants to steal money from by Taxing unfairly. If we force companies providing Public Transportation to pay higher taxes Fares will Increase and Routes will be Cut.

· Repair and construction of roads, bike lanes, and sidewalks are the responsibility of the state. Over the years increased Federal Funding has allowed states to reallocate Tax Dollars usually used for these repairs and use Federal Funding instead. This is why you hear local officials say if they do not receive the Federal Grants for which they apply they will be unable to maintain the roads. It is wrong, and should be illegal. That said, the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement would prefer this practice not only continue, but the funding increase! Where do they want all this money to come from? I sure wish I had access to their Money Tree!

Learn more about ACORN…
What is ACORN? 1/6 by kosmosnet13
What is ACORN? 2/6 by kosmosnet13
What is ACORN? 3/6 by kosmosnet13
What is ACORN? 4/6 by kosmosnet13
What is ACORN? 5/6 by kosmosnet13
What is ACORN? 6/6 by kosmosnet13

Learn more about October 6th People’s Occupation of Washington D.C. ‘Stop the Machine! Create a New World!’ at these links:

Stop the Machine! Create a New World!
Civil Unrest in the United States of America Coming in October 2011
This is What Democracy Looks Like… A New World Order Out of Chaos (Stop
WARNING! - Civil Unrest on the Streets of America (STOP!,_2011_WARNING_Civil_Unrest_on_the_Streets_of_America.html Who will be there? Who is Funding this? (STOP! Stop the Machine! Create a New World!)

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Democracy vs. Republic

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In the Pledge of Allegiance we all pledge allegiance to our Republic, not to a democracy. "Republic" is the proper description of our government, not "democracy." I invite you to join me in raising public awareness regarding that distinction.

A republic and a democracy are identical in every aspect except one. In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.

Republic. That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated. [NOTE: The word "people" may be either plural or singular. In a republic the group only has advisory powers; the sovereign individual is free to reject the majority group-think. USA/exception: if 100% of a jury convicts, then the individual loses sovereignty and is subject to group-think as in a democracy.]

Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. [NOTE: In a pure democracy, 51% beats 49%. In other words, the minority has no rights. The minority only has those privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority.]

The TRUTH About Democracy

ACORN Afghanistan Al Franken Alinsky Andrew Breitbart Anita Moncrief Anonymous Anti-Predatory Lending Act Arab Spring austerity budget Barney Frank Arkansas Big PharmaBill Ayers Black Panthers 1967 borders Bruce Ratner Blagojevich Cablegate Census Bureau Center for Responsive Lending China Chicago City Council Citizens Services Inc. Citigroup Clinton Community Reinvestment Act Dale Rathke Dallas Drummond Pike Democracy Egypt Esperanto Edison Schools Federal Reserve Stop the Machine Feingold Create a New World Financial Services Committee G20 Genocide George Soros get out the vote Glenn Beck Golden West Greece Gulf Oil Spill Health Care Reform Harvard Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum Herb Sandler Stop the Machine Create a New World Order illegal immigration Hungary Industrial Workers of the World Apocalypse Iran Iraq Frankin James Carville Joe Biden Julian Assange Libya Lulzsec Hackers Crackers McCain Marion Sandler Michael Slater Jerusalem Media Matters Michele Bachmann Courage Restoring Israel Mortgage Muslim Motor Voter Reform Brotherhood Free Masons National Labor Relations Board Netanyahu Nevada New Party New World Order New York City Council New York Times Norm Coleman Obama Illuminati 2012 Ohio Open Society Democracy Mormon End Times Alex Jones Peter King Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh Tribune Wachovia Wade RathkeWall Street Journal Mormons Masons Wikileaks Woods Foundation Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee2012 Doomsday Project Vote Two Party Paradigm public schools Pulaski Bank Richard Daley infowars Rudy GiulianiRussia Biblical Prophecy Timeline SDS Connection Seattle SEIU Secretary of State Project Shadow Government Shirley Sherrod Sheila Jackson Lee Tides Foundation Unions Turkey Last Days One World Government Van Jones Stop the Create a New World Machine voter fraud World Bank Yemin Franken ACORN Breitbart Moncrief Anti-Predatory Lending Act Arab economy Ayers Frank Black Panthers Spring American Spring American Ratner Fall Blagojevich Cablegate Census Bureau Center for Responsive Governance Global Lending Connection Chicago Citigroup City Council Citizens Services Inc. Codex Alimentarius Nazi Clinton Pike Community Reinvestment Act Federal Reserve Democracy Timeline Feingold Chemtrails Soros Financial Services Committee Gulf Oil Spill GOTV Beck Health Care Reform Democratic Presidential Forum Heartland Industrial Workers of the World Carville Elections Taxes Biden Assange Politics McCain Timeline Sandler Media Matters Bachmann Slater Daley Giuliani SDS SEIU Secretary of State Project Jones Tides Foundation Rathke Wikileaks Mortgage Woods Foundation World Bank Reform Muslim Brotherhood Netanyahu National Labor Relations Board and forty night forty day challenge New Party Stop the Machine Create a New World Coleman Obama 40 Day and 40 Night Insider Challenge Extreme Open Society Project Vote Political Action Committee

1967 borders, ACORN, Afghanistan, Al Franken, Alinsky, Andrew Breitbart, Anita Moncrief, Anonymous, Anti-Predatory Lending Act, Arab Spring, Arkansas, Assange, austerity budget, Ayers, Bachmann, Barney Frank, Beck, Biden, Big Pharma, Bill Ayers, Black Panthers, Blagojevich, Breitbart, Bruce Ratner, Cablegate, Carville, Census Bureau, Center for Responsive Lending, Chicago City Council, China, Citigroup, Citizens Services Inc., Clinton, Coleman, Community Reinvestment Act, Create a New World , Dale Rathke, Daley, Dallas, Democracy, Drummond Pike, Edison Schools, Egypt, Esperanto, Federal Reserve, Feingold, Financial Services Committee, Frank, Franks, G20, Genocide, George Soros, get out the, vote Glenn Beck, Golden West , GOTV, Greece, Giuliani, Gulf Oil Spill, Harvard, Health Care, Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum, Herb Sandler, Hungary, illegal immigration, Industrial Workers of the World, Iran, Iraq, James Carville, Joe Biden, Jones, Julian Assange, Libya, Lulzsec, Marion Sandler, McCain, Media Matters, Michael Slater, Michele Bachmann, Moncrief, mortgage reform, motor voter, Muslim Brotherhood, National Labor Relations Board, Netanyahu, Nevada, New Party, New World Order, New York City Council , New York Times Norm Coleman Obama Ohio, Open Society, Pennsylvania, Peter King, Philadelphia, Pike, Pittsburgh Tribune, Planned Parenthood, Political Action Committee, Project Vote, public schools, Pulaski Bank, Rathke, Ratner, Richard Daley, Rudy Giuliani, Russia, Sandler, SDS, Seattle, Washington, Secretary of State Project, SEIU, shadow government, Sheila Jackson Lee, Shirley Sherrod, Slater, Soros, Stop the Machine, Stop The Machine Create a New World, Tides Foundation, Turkey, Union Van Jones, voter fraud, Wachovia, Wade Rathke, The Wall Street Journal, Wikileaks, Woods Foundation, World Bank, Yemin

Stop the Machine Create a New World, Stop the Machine, Create a New World, Create a New World Order, New World Order, October 2011,, October2011, Oct2011, Oct 2011, October 6 2011, October 6th 2011, Oct 6 2011, Oct 6th 2011, October 6th, Oct 6th, Oct 6, People’s Occupation of Washington, People’s Occupation of Washington DC

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