Monday, October 10, 2011

Are You Ready for the United for Global Change Movement? #OWS #GlobalChange

Are You Ready for the United for Global Change Movement? #OWS #GlobalChange:

Occupy Wall Street Days of Rage Global ChangeAre You Ready?
United for #GlobalChange
Demonstrators Plan
Global Protest for Oct. 15

After scattered popular demonstrations around the world, protesters are planning the next step: This time, it’s a global movement for change, set to kick off Saturday, Oct. 15.

But what exactly is “United for Global Change”? Its exact goals are a little vague, though uprising seems to be the key:

“Intolerable situation — corrupt system — global outrage. Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Chile, Israel, India, USA. It’s time for us to unite. It’s time for them to listen. People of the world, rise up!” (Continue reading this story).

Occupy Wall Street Days of Rage Global Change

Why October 2011 Will Lead to the American Fall
- Looks like October 2011 is going to be jammed packed with Revolutions
all over the place! People who feel left behind by the spontaneous and disorganized
movements of the past will be looking to participate in something and
have their voices heard. Desperate times and frustrated people will be
easy to both rally for a cause and manipulate for personal gain. The
United States is long over due for a Revolution, but it's up to you to
decide if any of these are going to do any good for the countries

Do you support the #OWS #OccupyWallSt [] Stop the Machine! Create a New World! Movement?
[Take the Poll by Clicking Here and Scrolling Down to the Question]

The ACORN, Obama, George Soros, #OWS #OccupyWallSt Connection (Timeline)
- What if a corrupt far left billionaire got together with a corrupt
but effective grassroots group in an effort to radically change America?
That's exactly what's happening between George Soros and ACORN. Think
of ACORN as instruments of George Soros grand plan. Soros wants to elect
far left candidates, pass universal health care, props up the unions
among many liberal ideological goals. Think of ACORN is the tool of
implementation of his ideology, or at least a tool. On top of this,
every policy which Soros uses ACORN to implement also helps President
Obama. That's the stakes in this unholy alliance.

Occupy Wall Street Movement's Run On the Banks - Protestors are calling the event "Bank Transfer Day" and are encouraging people nationwide to participate November 5.

Occupy Wall Street is NOT Woodstock - One thing we can say for sure is that "Occupy Wall Street is No Woodstock" no matter what the mainstream media might want you to believe. As the situation in and around Zuccotti Park where the demonstrators have setup shop continues to deteriorate, as sanitary conditions teamed with the personal actions of the protesters appear to be eclipsing the political gathering’s original push for a more “equitable” society. Clearly these people have no clue what "commune living" really is.

Making Sure #OWS Stop the Machine Create a New World October2011 has No Excuses! -
According to the #OccupyWallStreet Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011
Movement web page their intention is to organize a gathering of people
Furthermore, they intend to remain in Washington, D.C. as a UNIFIED
PRESENCE. It has become more and more obvious as they []
release information that they have no interest in PEACE.

ObamACORN + #October2011 = Armageddon???
- October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan
and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. On October 6th,
2011 a concert, rally and protest will kick off a powerful and sustained
George Soros funded resistance to both commemorate these events and
cause civil unrest on the streets of America meant to crumble Washington
D.C. and bring the United States as we know it to its knees. If this
action is allowed to succeed, it will be the open door the New World
Order has been waiting for.

Examining the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movements Core Issues
- These are the core issues identified by the October2011
(#October2011) Movement steering committee. They claim this “list” is
meant to get a conversation started, and so we thought we would take
them up on their offer to start talking.

Radicals Plan ‘Cairo-Style‘ Occupation of ’Freedom Plaza’ in Washington, DC
- A coalition of groups is set to launch a protest with a goal of
shutting down the U.S. government. These tactics will be familiar to
those who remember the protest plans of SEIU’s Stephen Lerner and his
plans to “swarm” Wall Street to the point of bringing down the stock

Who will be attending this FREE Concert / March / Protest and where are they getting their Funding???
- If you are planning, or even just thinking about, attending the Stop
the Machine! Create a New World! Concert/Rally/Protest on October 6th,
2011 then you should better know who it is that you are getting involved
with. You may have previously heard the idiom Politics make Strange
Bedfellows, meaning that people who would normally dislike and avoid one
another will work together if they think it is politically useful to do
so. If that is really all that is going on here then this whole thing
just might work, but let’s face the facts, the chances of that being the
true agenda of this situation is slim to none. Still, it is up to you
to make that choice for yourself.

The Who, What, Where, & Why about the #OWS Protests
- There comes a time when efforts to avoid the truth begin to fail,
when one can no longer go about daily life and pretend that all is okay.
If you are like most of people, you are experiencing this. You are also
experiencing confusion. How many times have you found yourself
supporting a cause by hitting the LIKE button on Facebook or sending in a
dollar or two using PayPal, because it sounded like the right thing to
do, but then all of a sudden it became clear that the cause you were
innocently championing was not anything you thought it was? Don't
worry, you're not alone.

Van Jones Warns America ‘Hold On to Your Seats’ Because ‘The Progressive Fight Back’ is Coming In October!

The Simple Truth About Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011
- The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement says
They Stand With the Majority of Americans Human Needs, Not Corporate
Greed. They have laid out their plan, and this is a summary of what they
claim to be about.

We Live in a Republic, NOT a Democracy!
- Are you an American, or just a person living in America? The United
States political figures and the mainstream media loves to throw around
the word Democracy as if it is the biggest gift under the Christmas
tree. The problem with this is that most Americans just assume Democracy
is a wonderful concept, they have been trained to think this though
indoctrination, and they never stop to think how Democracy works inside
the border of the great super power of America.

Tags: , occupy wallstreet, 99, 99%, 99percent, 99 percent, ninety nine percent, iam53, 53%, , occupywallst, takewallstreet, , wallstreet, wall street, bank bailouts, , , create a new world, , stop the machine create a new world order, , one world government, , , political movement, , protest, nyc protest, , arrest, arrests, riot, riots, , nypd, pepper spray, lrad, , peace, love, 60s, 60's, 1960s, 1960's, , drug use, , condoms, free condoms, , Brookfield, , , global change protest, , globalchange protest, Anonymous, AnonOp, AnonOps, , AmericanFall, , AmericanAutumn

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