Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nov 9th EAS Test Warning

Nov 9th EAS Testing Warning:

If you have ever wondered about the government’s ability to control
the civilian airwaves, you will have your answer on November 9th.

On that day, federal authorities are going to shut off all television
and radio communications simultaneously at 2:00PM EST to complete the first ever test of the national Emergency Alert System (EAS).

This isn’t a wild conspiracy theory. The upcoming test is posted on the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau website.

Only the President has the authority to activate EAS at the national
level, and he has delegated that authority to the Director of FEMA. The
test will be conducted jointly by the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) through FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National
Weather Service (NWS).

In essence, the authority to seize control of all television and
civilian communication has been asserted by the executive branch and
handed to a government agency.

The EAS has been around since 1994. Its precursor, the Emergency
Broadcast System (EBS), started back in 1963. Television and radio
broadcasters, satellite radio and satellite television providers, cable
television and wireline video providers are all involved in the system.

So this begs the question: is the first ever national EAS test really a big deal?

Probably not. At least, not yet.

But there are some troubling factors all coming together right now
that could conceivably trigger a real usage of the EAS system in the not
too distant future. A European financial collapse could bring down
U.S. markets. What is now the “Occupy” movement could lead to widespread
civil unrest. And there are ominous signs that radical groups such as
Anonymous will attempt something major on November 5th- Guy Fawke’s day.

Now we know in the event of a major crisis, the American people will
be told with one voice, at the same time, about an emergency.

All thats left to determine is who will have control of the EAS when that day comes, and what their message will be.

[via The Blaze]

Friday, October 21, 2011

NYC Residents Voice Outrage Over #OWS #OccupyWallSt Protests

NYC Residents Voice Outrage Over #OWS #OccupyWallSt Protests:

Occupy Wall Street Days of RageNYC Residents Voice Outrage Over #OWS #OccupyWallSt Protests

“The occupiers are not our neighbors,” Manhattan resident Linda Gerstman, who lives on Broad Street, told
those at the Community Board 1 meeting on Thursday night. “Our
neighbors do not beat on drums while children are sleeping. Our
neighbors do not verbally attack people on their way to work.”

She wasn’t the only resident who lives near the Occupy Wall St.
encampment that voiced displeasure to boards Quality of Life and
Financial District sub-committees regarding the almost two-month long
demonstration. Many residents gathered at the meeting to complain about
the sanitation, the noise, and the safety issues caused by the protest.

Occupy Wall Street Days of Rage“Their entrance ways and door stoops are being defecated on, urinated
on,” said another woman, who appeared to sit on the board, about local

Still another man took umbrage with them being called neighbors: “Neighbors pay rent.”

A well-dressed Occupy spokesperson, Han Shan, said that there’s a
growing “consensus” among the protesters that they need to be “better
neighbors:” (Continue reading this story and watch the videos).

Occupy Pittsburgh Days of Rage Pgh Protest

Why October 2011 Will Lead to the American Fall
- Looks like October 2011 is going to be jammed packed with Revolutions
all over the place! People who feel left behind by the spontaneous and disorganized
movements of the past will be looking to participate in something and
have their voices heard. Desperate times and frustrated people will be
easy to both rally for a cause and manipulate for personal gain. The
United States is long over due for a Revolution, but it's up to you to
decide if any of these are going to do any good for the countries

Do you support the #OWS #OccupyWallSt [] Stop the Machine! Create a New World! Movement?
[Take the Poll by Clicking Here and Scrolling Down to the Question]

The ACORN, Obama, George Soros, #OWS #OccupyWallSt Connection (Timeline)
- What if a corrupt far left billionaire got together with a corrupt
but effective grassroots group in an effort to radically change America?
That's exactly what's happening between George Soros and ACORN. Think
of ACORN as instruments of George Soros grand plan. Soros wants to elect
far left candidates, pass universal health care, props up the unions
among many liberal ideological goals. Think of ACORN is the tool of
implementation of his ideology, or at least a tool. On top of this,
every policy which Soros uses ACORN to implement also helps President
Obama. That's the stakes in this unholy alliance.

Occupy Wall Street Days of Rage Bank Transfer Day Global ChangeOccupy Wall Street Movement's Run On the Banks - Protestors are calling the event "Bank Transfer Day" and are encouraging people nationwide to participate November 5.

Are You Ready for the United for Global Change Movement? #OWS #GlobalChange
- After scattered popular demonstrations around the world, protesters
are planning the next step: This time, it’s a global movement for
change, set to kick off Saturday, Oct. 15.

Occupy Wall Street is NOT Woodstock
- One thing we can say for sure is that "Occupy Wall Street is No
Woodstock" no matter what the mainstream media might want you to
believe. As the situation in and around Zuccotti Park where the
demonstrators have setup shop continues to deteriorate, as sanitary
conditions teamed with the personal actions of the protesters appear to
be eclipsing the political gathering’s original push for a more
“equitable” society. Clearly these people have no clue what "commune
living" really is.

Occupy Pittsburgh Days of Rage Pgh ProtestThe Occupy Pittsburgh Movement Begins #OccupyPgh - It looks as if #OccupyPgh has finally obtained their permit to have their protest in the Most Livable City in the US. Also it is noteworthy to recognize that the
organizers of this event have waited lawfully and patiently to obtain a
permit from the city as to not violate any codes or conditions
Even knowing this I am concerned for the element that this type of
movement might attract, but at the same time I feel safer for the people
attending the Pittsburgh event than I do the chaotic messes occurring at places, like; Occupy Wall Street ( #OWS ), Stop the Machine Create a New World ( #OccupyDC ), Occupy Portland, Occupy Boston ( #OccupyBoston ), Occupy Tulsa, Occupy Philadelphia ( #OccupyPhilly ), and many more!

Teenager Claims She Was Raped at the Occupy Cleveland Protest #OWS - There’s some potentially tragic drama unfolding at “Occupy Cleveland,” as police are investigating a 19-year-old woman’s claim that she was raped inside of a tent on Saturday.

Making Sure #OWS Stop the Machine Create a New World October2011 has No Excuses! -
According to the #OccupyWallStreet Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011
Movement web page their intention is to organize a gathering of people
Furthermore, they intend to remain in Washington, D.C. as a UNIFIED
PRESENCE. It has become more and more obvious as they []
release information that they have no interest in PEACE.

Occupy DC Day of Rage
ObamACORN + #October2011 = Armageddon???
- October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan
and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. On October 6th,
2011 a concert, rally and protest will kick off a powerful and sustained
George Soros funded resistance to both commemorate these events and
cause civil unrest on the streets of America meant to crumble Washington
D.C. and bring the United States as we know it to its knees. If this
action is allowed to succeed, it will be the open door the New World
Order has been waiting for.

Examining the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movements Core Issues
- These are the core issues identified by the October2011
(#October2011) Movement steering committee. They claim this “list” is
meant to get a conversation started, and so we thought we would take
them up on their offer to start talking.

Radicals Plan ‘Cairo-Style‘ Occupation of ’Freedom Plaza’ in Washington, DC
- A coalition of groups is set to launch a protest with a goal of
shutting down the U.S. government. These tactics will be familiar to
those who remember the protest plans of SEIU’s Stephen Lerner and his
plans to “swarm” Wall Street to the point of bringing down the stock

Who will be attending this FREE Concert / March / Protest and where are they getting their Funding???
- If you are planning, or even just thinking about, attending the Stop
the Machine! Create a New World! Concert/Rally/Protest on October 6th,
2011 then you should better know who it is that you are getting involved
with. You may have previously heard the idiom Politics make Strange
Bedfellows, meaning that people who would normally dislike and avoid one
another will work together if they think it is politically useful to do
so. If that is really all that is going on here then this whole thing
just might work, but let’s face the facts, the chances of that being the
true agenda of this situation is slim to none. Still, it is up to you
to make that choice for yourself.

Occupy DC Day of Rage
The Who, What, Where, & Why about the #OWS Protests
- There comes a time when efforts to avoid the truth begin to fail,
when one can no longer go about daily life and pretend that all is okay.
If you are like most of people, you are experiencing this. You are also
experiencing confusion. How many times have you found yourself
supporting a cause by hitting the LIKE button on Facebook or sending in a
dollar or two using PayPal, because it sounded like the right thing to
do, but then all of a sudden it became clear that the cause you were
innocently championing was not anything you thought it was? Don't
worry, you're not alone.

Van Jones Warns America ‘Hold On to Your Seats’ Because ‘The Progressive Fight Back’ is Coming In October!

The Simple Truth About Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011
- The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement says
They Stand With the Majority of Americans Human Needs, Not Corporate
Greed. They have laid out their plan, and this is a summary of what they
claim to be about.

We Live in a Republic, NOT a Democracy!
- Are you an American, or just a person living in America? The United
States political figures and the mainstream media loves to throw around
the word Democracy as if it is the biggest gift under the Christmas
tree. The problem with this is that most Americans just assume Democracy
is a wonderful concept, they have been trained to think this though
indoctrination, and they never stop to think how Democracy works inside
the border of the great super power of America.

Tags: , new york, nyc, , occupy pittsburgh, occupy pgh, occupypgh, occupydc, occupy cleveland, , occupywallstreet, , residents, , anger, upset, , protest, demonstration, demonstrations, , occupy, movement, rally, march, , riot, rape, woman raped, pedophile, pedophilia, streaker, peep show, crime, , noise, compliant, complaints, noise complaints, noise ordinance, arrest, arrests, , george soros, soros, seiu, steve lerner, steven lerner, stephen lerner, van jones, banks, bankers, bank transfer day, problem, problems, trouble

Win a Treat for Your Skinn! (Exp 11/01)

Win a Treat for Your Skinn! (Exp 11/01):

Skinn CosmeticsExpires: 11-01-2011

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Don’t let the orangey dreamsicle-like aroma fool you – Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser is one very effective complexion cleanser. This decadently thick, water-free, super-rich, night-time cleansing balm is the ultimate in skin luxury, and is priced less than most leading department store brands.

Gentle yet highly effective, the Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser dissolves dirt, makeup, daily grime, pollution and dead skin cells and removes even waterproof eye makeup as it softens and smooths the skin with rich olive butter.

Using the Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser seems to transport you into another world. It is the perfect end to any hectic day. Meant to be used before bedtime, Skinn Cosmetic's Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser offers a powerful formula loaded with Polyphenols and skin enzymes, boosting collagen and fighting free radicals while you sleep. Orange oil works to purify and soften for the cleanest and freshest skin ever! You can even apply it as a mask for the ultimate super smoothing, resurfacing, deep pore cleansing treatment.

Skinn CosmeticsWith all my health problems and raising all my beautiful children, two young boys still in the house, life never feels like it will give me a break. Sometimes I wish I could just put things on pause! That is why I adore Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser! It is like my own private sneak away spa moment without the hefty price tag of running away to some tropical retreat!

Not only do I get a clean and fresh feeling with Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser, but it is relaxing and helps me to feel ready to release the stresses of the day and get a good nights rest. In a busy home like mine that can be quite a chore so it is amazing that Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser can do that for me so well. It is the best bedtime kiss I think I've ever had!

Skinn CosmeticsI love it so much my youngest son wanted to try it too. He is a pre-teen now and just starting to battle with acne so whenever he sees a new product that might work for acne control he is anxious to give it a try. He loves Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser too! And it did help clear up his complexion with just a few washes! So even though Skinn Cosmetics Olive & Enzyme Rich Balm Cleanser is marketed for women, let me be sure to tell you it works just as good on boys!

Please show Skinn Cosmetics some LoVe on Twitter and Facebook!

Skinn Cosmetic's founder Dimitri James will be appearing on ShopNBC October 23-25 where he will offer insight behind all the Skinn Cosmetic Products. You can also catch him on The Shopping Channel October 31st. Please be sure to tune in!

Take a minute to check out Dimtri James' Blog Behind the Brush for written pieces as well as video how-tos and tips to creating the perfect make-up look!

from DJ6ual and Skinn Cosmetics
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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Have a Happy Halloween with Smiley Face Cookies

Have a Happy Halloween with Smiley Face Cookies:

Halloween Cookies

Halloween CookiesGet in the spirit, cast a culinary spell, and get your ghouls goblin when your order a dozen of these demonically good, just for Halloween, Jack O Lantern Smiley Cookies! Made fresh daily with the same artistry and pure ingredients as the original Smiley Face Cookies, the Halloween Sugar Cookies are all dressed up with classic candy corn and hand-iced in Jack o’ Lantern orange. Everyone will LoVe getting one of this Halloween Cookie!

Halloween CookiesMy whole family loves Smiley Cookies and we send out these very special Halloween Cookies to all our friends and family this time of year. They are fun and yummy for the entire entourage! These Halloween treats baked fresh by the light of the full moon are packaged and ready for you to send them straight to whomever you choose, or you could just eat them all up yourself! Yummy! The ultimate Halloween party food, these Jack O’ Lantern Smiley cookies make trick-or-treaters howl with delight — and mummies love them, too!

Halloween CookiesHalloween CookiesMy son loves taking these Halloween Party Snacks with him to his Boy Scouts meetings! They are a huge hit at pot-lucks and make costume parties a spooky surprise! The Smiley Cookies sugar cookie recipe is a sweet treat without being too sugary sweet! They are mmMmmmMMMmm Yummy for young and old!

Halloween CookiesYou just have to try a Halloween Smiley Cookie to believe how truly unique and perfect they are for your Holiday Celebration! You can even put them together in a Halloween Gift Basket for your school fund-raisers and for the Grandparents! Make sure you make this Halloween the best it can be with your order from Smiley Cookies today!

Show Smiley Cookies sum LoVe on Facebook and receive a 20% off Coupon good on our Halloween Cookies!

Tags: , Samhain, Halloween Cookies, Smiley Face Cookies, Holiday, October, Orange, Fall, Autumn, Smile, Smiley, Smiley Face, , Cookie, Halloween Cookies, , trick-or-treaters, full moon, , party snack, snack, Halloween Party Snack, , gift basket, Halloween Gift Basket, , deal, bargain, coupon code, , Jack O Lantern, pumpkin, candy corn, desert, , smile cookies, smiley cookie, smiley cookies, Eat n Park

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Teenager Claims She Was Raped at the Occupy Cleveland Protest #OWS

Teenager Claims She Was Raped at the Occupy Cleveland Protest #OWS:

Occupy Ohio RapeThere’s some potentially tragic drama unfolding at “Occupy Cleveland,” as police are investigating a 19-year-old woman’s claim that she was raped inside of a tent on Saturday.

The teenager at the center of the scandal attends Summit Academy in
Parma, Ohio — a school for young people who have Attention Deficit
Disorder, Autism and hyperactivity, among other educational

After she told a teacher about the incident, police were informed and
an investigation commenced. Following the girl’s statements, she was
also taken to an emergency room and a rape kit and examination were

She apparently alleges that “rally personnel” at Occupy Cleveland
told her to share a tent with the suspect, as there was a shortage of
sleeping space for the occupants. So, the girl got into the tent with a
man (she claims his name is “Leland”) and went to sleep. Later, she says
she woke up and the man was molesting her.

Erin McCardle, the spokesperson for the local movement, read an
on-camera statement after she saw a police report that documented the
purported occurrence. “This is a very serious allegation and we are
cooperating with the Cleveland Police Department to find out what
actually occurred,” she said. (Watch Video).

Organizers of Occupy Cleveland claim that tent “assignments” are not
made and that no one is familiar with the victim or the alleged
perpetrator. McCardle made this fact clear in addressing the
incident. ”We do not tent people by direction. Everyone chooses who to
tent with,” she said. “We provide the tents donated by the community.”

Organizer Rebecca Hawkins mirrored these statements. ”We are a
community group, we do not have leaders, we are a leaderless movement,”
Hawkins said. “So your [tent] assignment would be your own choice of
what you wanted to do.”

These allegations in Cleveland come at the same time that a convicted felon believed to be a part of the Occupy Seattle protests
was arrested for having a shotgun in his bag (police do not believe he
was a threat to anyone, though). While he was not accused of threatening
anyone, felons are not allowed to possess firearms.

In a separate incident, Seattle police have arrested a man suspected of exposing himself numerous times to children at or around the protests. (Continue reading this story).

To be fair, in a gathering this expansive and diverse there is sure to be some bad eggs. Still this is a serious issue, or group of issues, and should be addressed immediately. I might not support the Occupy Movements but I would find it a great travesty to see it taken down by the actions of a few that didn't want to play by the rules. We can only hope the occupiers feel the same.

Occupy Pittsburgh Days of Rage Pgh ProtestIn general the movement here in Pittsburgh has been much tamer than many of the rest. Hopefully it will remain and example for the demonstrators moving forward. Heading into the winter months now we will see how much lasting power the flag ship Occupy Wall Street movement and it's off-shoots really have.

[via The Blaze]

Why October 2011 Will Lead to the American Fall
- Looks like October 2011 is going to be jammed packed with Revolutions
all over the place! People who feel left behind by the spontaneous and disorganized
movements of the past will be looking to participate in something and
have their voices heard. Desperate times and frustrated people will be
easy to both rally for a cause and manipulate for personal gain. The
United States is long over due for a Revolution, but it's up to you to
decide if any of these are going to do any good for the countries

Do you support the #OWS #OccupyWallSt [] Stop the Machine! Create a New World! Movement?
[Take the Poll by Clicking Here and Scrolling Down to the Question]

The ACORN, Obama, George Soros, #OWS #OccupyWallSt Connection (Timeline)
- What if a corrupt far left billionaire got together with a corrupt
but effective grassroots group in an effort to radically change America?
That's exactly what's happening between George Soros and ACORN. Think
of ACORN as instruments of George Soros grand plan. Soros wants to elect
far left candidates, pass universal health care, props up the unions
among many liberal ideological goals. Think of ACORN is the tool of
implementation of his ideology, or at least a tool. On top of this,
every policy which Soros uses ACORN to implement also helps President
Obama. That's the stakes in this unholy alliance.

Occupy Wall Street Days of Rage Bank Transfer Day Global ChangeOccupy Wall Street Movement's Run On the Banks - Protestors are calling the event "Bank Transfer Day" and are encouraging people nationwide to participate November 5.

Are You Ready for the United for Global Change Movement? #OWS #GlobalChange
- After scattered popular demonstrations around the world, protesters
are planning the next step: This time, it’s a global movement for
change, set to kick off Saturday, Oct. 15.

Occupy Wall Street is NOT Woodstock
- One thing we can say for sure is that "Occupy Wall Street is No
Woodstock" no matter what the mainstream media might want you to
believe. As the situation in and around Zuccotti Park where the
demonstrators have setup shop continues to deteriorate, as sanitary
conditions teamed with the personal actions of the protesters appear to
be eclipsing the political gathering’s original push for a more
“equitable” society. Clearly these people have no clue what "commune
living" really is.

Making Sure #OWS Stop the Machine Create a New World October2011 has No Excuses! -
According to the #OccupyWallStreet Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011
Movement web page their intention is to organize a gathering of people
Furthermore, they intend to remain in Washington, D.C. as a UNIFIED
PRESENCE. It has become more and more obvious as they []
release information that they have no interest in PEACE.

Occupy DC Day of Rage
ObamACORN + #October2011 = Armageddon???
- October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan
and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. On October 6th,
2011 a concert, rally and protest will kick off a powerful and sustained
George Soros funded resistance to both commemorate these events and
cause civil unrest on the streets of America meant to crumble Washington
D.C. and bring the United States as we know it to its knees. If this
action is allowed to succeed, it will be the open door the New World
Order has been waiting for.

Examining the Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movements Core Issues
- These are the core issues identified by the October2011
(#October2011) Movement steering committee. They claim this “list” is
meant to get a conversation started, and so we thought we would take
them up on their offer to start talking.

Radicals Plan ‘Cairo-Style‘ Occupation of ’Freedom Plaza’ in Washington, DC
- A coalition of groups is set to launch a protest with a goal of
shutting down the U.S. government. These tactics will be familiar to
those who remember the protest plans of SEIU’s Stephen Lerner and his
plans to “swarm” Wall Street to the point of bringing down the stock

Who will be attending this FREE Concert / March / Protest and where are they getting their Funding???
- If you are planning, or even just thinking about, attending the Stop
the Machine! Create a New World! Concert/Rally/Protest on October 6th,
2011 then you should better know who it is that you are getting involved
with. You may have previously heard the idiom Politics make Strange
Bedfellows, meaning that people who would normally dislike and avoid one
another will work together if they think it is politically useful to do
so. If that is really all that is going on here then this whole thing
just might work, but let’s face the facts, the chances of that being the
true agenda of this situation is slim to none. Still, it is up to you
to make that choice for yourself.

Occupy DC Day of Rage
The Who, What, Where, & Why about the #OWS Protests
- There comes a time when efforts to avoid the truth begin to fail,
when one can no longer go about daily life and pretend that all is okay.
If you are like most of people, you are experiencing this. You are also
experiencing confusion. How many times have you found yourself
supporting a cause by hitting the LIKE button on Facebook or sending in a
dollar or two using PayPal, because it sounded like the right thing to
do, but then all of a sudden it became clear that the cause you were
innocently championing was not anything you thought it was? Don't
worry, you're not alone.

Van Jones Warns America ‘Hold On to Your Seats’ Because ‘The Progressive Fight Back’ is Coming In October!

The Simple Truth About Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011
- The Stop the Machine! Create a New World! October2011 Movement says
They Stand With the Majority of Americans Human Needs, Not Corporate
Greed. They have laid out their plan, and this is a summary of what they
claim to be about.

We Live in a Republic, NOT a Democracy!
- Are you an American, or just a person living in America? The United
States political figures and the mainstream media loves to throw around
the word Democracy as if it is the biggest gift under the Christmas
tree. The problem with this is that most Americans just assume Democracy
is a wonderful concept, they have been trained to think this though
indoctrination, and they never stop to think how Democracy works inside
the border of the great super power of America.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Become Independent from Your Job and Entitlement Programs with Scrap4Treasure

Become Independent from Your Job and Entitlement Programs with Scrap4Treasure:

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for Cash

How to Make Money and Become Independent from Your Job and Entitlement Programs

Alright, you and I know there is a lot of negative things happening in the world today. Economies around the world have been failing and many people believe it is only a matter of time before America follows suit. How are you and I going to solve the worlds issues? We might not be able to "save the world", but we can at least protect our loved ones and ourselves. How do we do that? A good start is with Precious Metals and Scrap4Treasure shows you how to obtain those Currencies of the Future for almost no investment whatsoever. The prices of Gold, Silver, and Platinum are at an all time high and only raising higher! The world is at a tipping point. It is time to get prepared. It is time to be prepared! Think you can't afford to invest in Precious Metals? You need to learn more about Scrap4Treasure!

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashThe Scrap4Treasure program is the ONLY in-depth and interactive guide that teaches you the safe way to Find & Recover Scrap Gold, Silver, and Platinum. By following Scrap4Treasure Precious Metals recovery guide you will unlock the secrets to safe methods of scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum recovery.

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashBy now we have all figured out that President Obama's "Jobs Plan" is really just another Stimulus Package. The only difference between the last Stimulus Package and this one is that this one is a little smaller and President Obama plans to present a way to pay for this one. A Balanced Budget is a wonderful idea, but it is going to come at a price and it might be a price-tag the average American can't afford! President Obama will undoubtedly expect higher taxes to be paid by a large chuck of citizens in order to offset the cost of his plan. Just look at this "Buffet Tax" he is pushing for. With President Obama's "new" Tax Increases to pass the Democrats are going to have to agree to an incredible amount of cuts to Entitlement Programs. Without those programs there is going to be a lot of people left with nothing. Don't let that be you! Scrap4Treasure can teach you how to supplement the income you get now from Entitlement Programs (Unemployment, Social Security, Disability, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc.) and give you security in the event Entitlement Programs are cut, the Economy Crashes, and/or the Dollar Busts.

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashFew people know that there are dozens and dozens of household items that contain scrap Gold, Silver, or Platinum that are chucked in the garbage and junk yards, or sold for a song at garage sales, all the time. Make an extra $500 - $3,000 per month Part-Time by finding and recovering other people's Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum. Everyday people throw away electronics, automobile parts, appliances and other junk that contains rare Scrap Metals that when recovered and combined, can garner you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in Cold Hard Cash. No special licenses or permits are needed for you to start earning extra income by finding and recovering scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum. The Scrap4Treasure program will easily guide you through the recovery process, leaving you with skills you can use everyday to earn additional money.

Here at DJ6ual: An Irish Girl's Blog we talk a lot about the pending Economic Collapse. It is a sad fact, but our Economy almost has to Collapse because it is not real. Chances are that the average kid today has never seen a REAL dollar bill. American Currency is no longer printed based on the Gold we hold in Fort Knox, but on imaginary assets and promises made by a Private Institution called the Federal Reserve. The "Federal" Reserve is no more a Government Agency than Federal Express! They just print and print and print new money whenever they feel they want to and that causes something called Inflation. In an Economy like this Precious Metals are the ONLY secure way to know you will have a Currency of value tomorrow.

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashIn Economics, Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an Economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation also reflects an erosion in the purchasing power of money – a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy. Using a program like Scrap4Treasure can help you to prepare for Inflation by helping you to collect an alternative currency that will allow you to purchase the things you and your loved ones might need in a time of Economic Hardship. Inflation includes a decrease in the real value of money and other monetary items over time, uncertainty over future inflation may discourage investment and savings, and high inflation may lead to shortages of goods if consumers begin hoarding out of concern that prices will increase in the future. In this type of environment Precious Metals are really your best hope of long term survival without surrendering to dependence on the Government.

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashScrap piles can conceal Gold, Platinum and Silver. Every year millions of dollars in Gold, Platinum and Silver are carelessly discarded. You will never look at a junkyard, recycling center, garage sale, Craigslist ad, or Goodwill the same way again! You will be finding and recovering Scrap Metals everywhere, and you will know what to do to refine it and turn it into Cash or even keep it as an Investment for your future! Scrap4Treasure will show you exactly where you need to look to find and recover Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum in all sorts of places you've never thought to look!

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for Cash

When you think about the Gold that we’ve seen on the market in the last handful of years, it’s come from Central Banks. Central Banks, the banks of countries, aren’t selling Gold now but they are buying Gold. The second big source of Gold has been mining companies selling Gold Forward, meaning that they sell the Gold before it comes out of the ground. They do this with a paper transaction. The mining companies are actually buying back their Forward Trades. So the big supplies of Gold hitting the market, probably the third point is new mine production is down. So I think there’s a very good argument that you could see Peak Gold. Peak Gold is the date at which the maximum rate of Global Gold extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline. Now, we won’t actually run out of Gold, but you’ll see much higher prices.

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashNo one has a Crystal Ball when it comes to the Economy or Precious Metals but if History has taught us anything we should know that it is always better to be ready for the worst. With Scrap4Treasure you can be just as prepared for hardships as the Rich and Powerful without going broke chasing money making schemes that will do nothing for you in the end. Scrap4Treasure won't solve all the problems in the world but it will give you and your family the added income and security that you need to be ready for the future, no matter what it might bring. Scrap4Treasure knows how to give you the skills you need to find and recover the scrap Gold, Silver, and Platinum you can use to buy that new car, pay off those old bills, catch up on your rent/mortgage, or even just set aside for an investment in your future. Scrap4Treasure will teach you where to find and how to recover these Precious Metals and recycle them into Good Money for yourself!

I recommend Scrap4Treasure and I know after you try it that you will too! Become Economically Secure today with Scrap4Treasure!

Scrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for CashScrap4Treasure - Recover Gold, Silver, Platinum for Cash

Tags: Scrap4Treasure, Scrap 4 Treasure, Scrap for Treasure, , Scrap Gold, , Metal Scrap, Cash4Gold, Cash 4 Gold, Cash for Gold, Gold for Cash, , Gold Mining, , What is Scrap Metal, , Where to Sell Gold, Recover, Find, , , Silver, Platinum, Gold Coins, Gold Bars, , Prices of Scrap Metal, , Recover Scrap Gold, Recover Scrap Silver, Recover Scrap Platinum, , scrapmetal, scrap yard, scrap yards, scrap price, scrap prices, price of gold, gold price, price for gold, gold prices, silver prices, sell gold, buy gold, buying gold, metal prices, gold price today, price of gold today, price of gold per gram, gold price per gram, gold price per ounce, price of gold per ounce, current price of gold, current gold price, gold prices per gram, gold prices per ounce, selling gold, gold selling, todays gold price, gold buyers, scrap metal prices, prices for scrap metal

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Corn Sugar

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Corn Sugar:

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Corn SugarOfficials Slam Corn Syrup Re-Branding

The Food and Drug Administration has cautioned the corn industry over its ongoing use of the term "corn sugar" to describe high fructose corn syrup, asking them to stop using the proposed new name before it has received regulatory approval, The Associated Press has learned. (Continue reading this story).

As if they don't already mess with our food supply enough, now they want to blatantly lie about what they are feeding us. Anyone still dumb enough to believe there is no difference between cane sugar and corn sugar needs to have their head examined! The commercials Monsanto and the Corn Nazi's keep filling up the airwaves with aren't fooling anybody! Before all of you Pro-Corn people jump on my back, allow me to remind you my family is full of Nebraska Corn Farmers, Go Cornhuskers!

Change is coming, and it isn't just in the political arena. If you don't know, you need to know, what Codex Alimentarius is and how it affects you family, friends, and neighbors. If you have not started your Seed Bank, you need to start one today! Even if your thumb is about as green as the driven snow. There is just no more time to treat this stuff with kid gloves people, we are in real trouble here. Don't get caught off guard! Be prepared!

Tags: , Syrup, , Sugar, , , Food Supp;y, , Codex, , Food Code, , , Food, Food Safety, , fat, PHAT, overweight, healthy weight, weight, diet, weight loss, , Health, Death, Population Control

George Soros Calls on Eurozone Legislatures to Form a Common Treasury

George Soros Calls on Eurozone Legislatures to Form a Common Treasury:

George SorosGeorge Soros and an eclectic assortment of European businessmen,
politicians, academics, and economists have taken it upon themselves to
pen an open letter to legislatures of the eurozone countries. In the
letter published by The Financial Times they write:

We, concerned Europeans, call upon the governments of the
eurozone to agree in principle on the need for a legally binding
agreement that would:

1) Establish a common treasury that can raise funds for the eurozone
as a whole and ensure that member states adhere to fiscal discipline;

2) Reinforce common supervision, regulation and deposit insurance within the eurozone; and

3) Develop a strategy that will produce both economic convergence and
growth because the debt problem cannot be solved without growth.

While a legally binding agreement is being negotiated and ratified, the governments of the eurozone must
in the interim empower the European financial stability facility and
the European Central Bank to co-operate in bringing the crisis under
[emphasis added].

These institutions could then guarantee and eventually recapitalise
the banking system and enable countries in need to refinance their debt,
within agreed limits, at practically no cost by issuing treasury bills
that can be rediscounted at the ECB [European Central Bank].

The proposals made in the letter and the urgency it conveys
underscore two well-documented facts about George Soros: his long-time
support for the consolidation of authority and his belief that crises
need to be utilized in order to make such things happen.

“Establish a common treasury . . . and ensure that member states
adhere to fiscal discipline” Soros and the 95 signers write. This is
almost verbatim what Soros advocated in The Crisis of Global Capitalism when he wrote, “To stabilize and regulate a truly global economy, we need some global system of political decision-making.”

“In short, we need a global society to support our global economy,”
Soros said. “The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to
international law and international institutions.”

In other words, “reinforce” and “regulate” the member states under a centralized authority.

And that is precisely what this urgent call to eurozone legislatures is about.

This should not be news. It is a well-know fact that, for years,
Soros has been pushing for the establishment of some sort of New World
Order. The eurzozone crisis simply serves as a springboard to make it

After all, it was Soros himself who astutely noted in a Time magazine interview that, “The worse a situation becomes, the less it takes to turn it around, the bigger the upside.”

Click here for the full list of signers.

[via The Blaze]

Sugar Supplement Blocks Multiple Sclerosis

Sugar Supplement Blocks Multiple Sclerosis:

GlcNAcSugar Supplement Blocks
Multiple Sclerosis

What would you say if I told you that a glucosamine like dietary supplement suppresses the damaging autoimmune response seen in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Scientists have found that oral N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), which is similar to but more effective than the widely available glucosamine, inhibited the growth and function of abnormal T-cells that in MS incorrectly direct the immune system to attack and break down central nervous system tissue that insulates nerves.

Environmental and inherited risk factors associated with MS—previously poorly understood and not known to be connected—converge to affect how specific sugars are added to proteins regulating the disease. This sugar-based supplement corrects a genetic defect that induces cells to attack the body in MS making metabolic therapy a rational approach that differs significantly from currently available treatments.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Back PainVirtually all proteins on the surface of cells, including immune cells such as T-cells, are modified by complex sugar molecules of variable sizes and composition. Recent studies have linked changes in these sugars to T-cell hyperactivity and autoimmune disease. (Continue reading this story).

Having MS myself I take a bunch of dietary supplements every day along with bee venom to help keep myself healthy and my body strong. I never really thought to look to glucosamine to make a difference in the way my MS plays havoc on my daily living activities. Wouldn't that be awesome if all it took to potentially "cure" this retched disease was a sugar pill?

MedicationApparently they have already proven on mice with weakened immune systems and gait issues that after taking these dietary supplements there legs began to strengthen and repair themselves at a higher rate of speed. I can think of many past exacerbations where this would have been quite helpful!

Seems like we are getting new break thoroughs everyday in the worlds of science and medicine. Soon we will be able to cure everything. Maybe even live forever!

Do you think it is a good idea to discover the secrets to immortality?

Tags: , , , auto immune, , nerves, nerve damage, , , T-cells, T-cell hyperactivity, , , , oral N-acetylglucosamine, GlcNAc, acetylglucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, , supplement, sugar, sugar supplement, nervous system, , central nervous system tissue

Raw Gaia Giveaway #Freebies (Exp 10/28)

Raw Gaia Giveaway #Freebies (Exp 10/28):

Raw GaiaExpires: 10/28/2011

Win Any Moisturiser, Face Pack or Body Butter of Your Choice!

Incredibly Good Skin Can Be Hard To Achieve, Which Is Why Raw Gaia has Come Up With A Range Of 100% Natural, Organic, Vegan, Ethical And Environmentally Friendly Skin Care Products That Allow You To Achieve the Perfectly Good Skin of Your Dreams!

We all want to treat ourselves to the best best skin products available. It can be hard to find skin products that are not only 100% natural, but deliver as good as they promise on the label. Skin products from Raw Gaia will exceed your wildest expectations, they are always 100% natural, and they will help you towards achieving...

- A Natural Glow
- Clear Pores and Acne Free
- Clear Skin with No Oiliness/Greasiness

Raw GaiaIt is the goal of Raw Gaia to make your life problem free with the right face care, body care or baby care product when you join their long list of lovely customers. They provide a wide variety of unique products sure to meet the highest of standards.

Raw Gaia is the world's first range of living organic skin care products and organic beauty products, hand-made using only cold-pressed, organic, vegan, cruelty- and chemical-free ingredients. Their natural & organic skincare products have outstanding skin moisturising and uplifting qualities because they are absolutely pure, alive and made with the Earth's most nourishing and beautifying skin care ingredients, which are far more effective than any chemical or artificial moisturisers.

Through a special low temperature process, Raw Gaia's organic skin care products retain all the life energy, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids in the ingredients, which help to moisturise, heal and revitalize all kinds of skin.

Raw GaiaRaw Gaia is one of the most ethical companies you'll find anywhere in the world. All their ingredients are organic, vegan, cruelty-free and free from any chemicals. They have also adopted an unprecedented "ethical marketing" approach to beauty and aging. Raw Gaia customers love their organic skincare products and organic beauty products because of their living qualities and absolute, natural purity. Their products do feel different, they have a lovely texture, smell and they make you feel and look great. And, they are very affordable. You can't ask for more then that!

I want to encourage you to try Raw Gaia and experience the nourishment that only something as natural, alive and pure as the Earth can give. If you have been looking for a way to make a healthy change in your life than Raw Gaia will have the product or products to help you to do that!

Raw Gaia Superfoods

The Raw Gaia selection of Superfoods come vacuum packed and full of nutrient packed benefit. With altogether eight to choose from and packed in either 100g or 250g bags, they are the perfect top up for your skin care order and for your body’s nutritional requirements. Research with your intuition to find one that you think will work for you, or try a selection.

Raw Gaia Moisturisers & Creams

Raw Gaia’s range of moisturisers are made up of a combination of finely balanced, skin loving ingredients which combine to sooth, enliven, clear and love your skin, with outstanding properties that are close to nature. Raw Cacao Butter as the main ingredient is known for having the best moisturising benefits and ensures that all of them will smell divine.

Raw Gaia Face Packs

Raw Gaia has crafted three detox busting Face Packs which are pure indulgence for the skin. The Rhassoul Clay and Green Clay Pack are comprised solely of clay, reputed to draw out toxins from beneath the skins surface and the Raw Chocolate Face Pack, a favorite of many Raw Gaia Therapists not only cleanses deeply, but smells delicious.

Raw GaiaRaw Gaia Cold-Pressed Oils

All of Raw Gaia's cold pressed oils are just that – 100% cold pressed oils, without any fillers, chemicals, mixes or additional junk and the extraction process is assuredly efficient and ethical. They come ready to use in 50 or 100ml bottles, clearly labelled and itching to be distributed on massage ready skin.

Raw Gaia Hemp OilMy personal favorite Raw Gaia product is the Cold Pressed, Organic Hemp Oil. It is an emollient which is non-greasy and works perfectly as a moisturizing compound with excellent moisture balancing properties. Using this oil is a great way to achieve soft, smooth and hydrated skin. Those of you who follow DJ6ual: An Irish Girl's Blog know that I am a strong advocate of legalizing the use of Hemp and all other Marijuana related products. The legalization of Hemp would do wonders for our Global Warming/Climate Change problems and Medical Marijuana would help many people with severe illnesses find relief from pain. I commend Raw Gaia for providing Hemp friendly products.

Watch this Interview with Lisa Lennon, director of Raw Gaia:


Fresh, organic skincare creates a more youthful, vibrant appearance. Vital nutrients, such as anti-oxidants, proteins, amino-acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and carotenoids, sourced from vibrant fruits and vegetables, deliver the core building blocks to build healthier and more beautiful skin.

from DJ6ual and Raw Gaia
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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.